Winning Tongue Plate Racing Dexter Ring Bit

Winning Tongue Plate


About the Ring Bit (Dexter Bit): The ring bit has two mouthpieces: one jointed snaffle mouthpiece and one ring that encircles the horse’s lower jaw. The snaffle portion of the bit can have metal, plastic or rubber coating and the ring is metal. The cheekpieces are of varying shapes, as are the metal “spoons” below the mouth. A ring bit is commonly used on strong horses since it adds stopping power. The bit also increases steering power since a rider has the added leverage on the horse’s lower jaw.

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How and Why WTP Bits work:

Winning Tongue Plate Benefits:

  • Stops bit pinching the tongue
  • Stope the tongue going over the bit
  • Stops roof rubbing and lips pinching
  • Stops the tongue hanging out of the mouth
  • Stops the horse headshaking, pulling, bolting
  • Stops the horse hanging, rearing, bucking
  • Stops displacement of the soft palate
  • Stops the mouth opening and respiratory noise
  • Better oxygen supply therefore better speed
  • Amazing soft and responsive contact
  • The horse is happier and easier to control 

Bit Thickness: 16mm

Available in sizes:  4.5", 5" and 5.5"