Fager Julia is suitable if you would describe your horse as the following; Strong, pulls/leans...
The classic Fager John mouthpiece combined with a bespoke show pelham side. Perfect for the...
Fager Marcus is the ideal choice If you would describe your horse as the following;...
Bombers Rugby Weymouth Pelham Happy Tongue from Bombers Bits Bombers Weymouth Rugby Pelham Happy Tongue...
Beautifully handcrafted Rugby Pelham Sizes under 115mm come with danty small rings and shank &...
Stainless steel. Ideal for the show hack that dislikes two mouth pieces. This model has...
Stainless steel. Ideal for the show hack that dislikes two mouth pieces. This model has...
Eldonian Rugby Show Pelham The Rugby Pelham is a bit used in the dressage or show ring. It...