Our World: Recycling Horse Bits ♻

January 10, 2023

Our World: Recycling Horse Bits ♻ - Horse Bit Emporium

Horse Bit Emporium want to see less waste and more recycled products, especially in the Equestrian Tack industry. How many riders have a full wall of metal bits? Unused? Out of date? Damaged, designs improved or wrong sizes?

We have partnered with an amazing Melbourne recycling company to donate all your unwanted horse bits to. Your old horse bits will be made into reusable materials. Creating a better world for our equines. 

You can send us your unwanted horse bits for recycling. 


How to donate

  1. Donate your pre-loved Horse Bits and accessories to any Horse Bit Emporium Trade Stands, drop in to us at Arthurs Creek, VIC or send to HBE via Post.
  2. Receive a $10 Horse Bit Emporium voucher*
  3. Redeem your $10 voucher on any purchase of $50 or more in store at Horse Bit Emporium (one per transaction).

Send to:

Horse Bit Emporium; PO Box 429, Hurstbridge VIC 3099

Include your name & email address for voucher

*You may redeem one Horse Bit Emporium Bit Trade Voucher per transaction of $50 or more at Horse Bit Emporium.
Maximum Five per person.
Conditions apply.

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